Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day - April 2013

Spring got lost in the wind and the rain this year but finally arrived around Easter. I was away in the north of Portugal for a grey, cold and wet week. When I came back on Easter Monday, I was greeted by some signs of spring, like the white roses and the orchids.
The jasmine is going strong, entwined with the potato vine.

From the north I brought a neglected Clivia. When I decided to divide it I discovered there was hardly any earth left in the vase but there were a few baby Clivias amidst the roots. I gave this vase to the kind neighbour who waters my garden when I'm away. Next year I hope to have Clivia blooms in my own garden. 

On Friday I took some photos of the most recent blooms. There are some irises:

The pink geranium has started blooming.

There are some more roses.

At the back, the lemon bush is full of blossom but the mealie bug has invaded it. Help!

And my reliable bush never stops flowering, even through the cold, wet weather.

To conclude, let me tell you that I have started removing some of the lawn to make space for more roses. I also visited a garden center. They didn't have what I was looking for and I resisted the temptation to buy something else. Now, is that good or bad?

Soon I'll be off to May Dream Gardens to visit other April blooms. Come and join us.


  1. Beautiful. I noticed more flowers in London today and I'm excited to see more.

  2. Beautiful flowers. I wasn't able to visit your blog for about two months now because everytime I tried my antivirus program put up alerts.

    1. Hi GB, I hope you are well.
      I don't understand why your antivirus program would alert. I hope your present comment means it's stopped doing that.

  3. Beautiful blooms! It's lovely to see Spring has arrived. Loved the Irises and Orchids. Your Roses are beautiful, and I can understand why you would want to create more room to grow even more. I think it's great that you resisted the temptation to buy at the nursery. I know I often find that very difficult to do, and then end up with plants that I really didn't want anyway!

    1. Thank you. Oops - I went to the nursery again and this time I bought petunias and other plants!


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